Explore our UAV platforms
Unmanned aerial systems have completely changed not only the battlefield, but they are also becoming increasingly common in the civilian sector.Thanks to innovative technologies within its range of products, services and system integration, WB GROUP is the leader of UAV technologies, offering world-class unmanned platforms, loitering munnition, command systems and specialist heads.
The flaghip products of the GROUP are: a mini Unmanned Air Vehicle FLYEYE and a combat UAV WARMATE, created by outstanding experts who are also conducting large-scale R&D works so that UAVs can serve in the civilian sector.
The observation head with two cameras (visible light and IR) attached under the fuselage of the FLYEYE mini UAV provides significantly better observation options and a function for rapid switching
FT5 Tactical Aerial Platform
FT5 is a tactical aerial platform powered by EFI controlled, independent engines. It’s designed for battlefield surveillance, observation, patrolling state borders and surveying natural disasters. The FT-5 can be used