Personal Communications Systems
Ultramodern, user-friendly military radios and software with a reliable voice and data transmission at all operational levels.
Explore our products for soldier's communications
SDR handheld COMP@N radio
The narrowband system based on COMP@N radios Current requirements of the modern battlefield, with all limitations of available radio ressources, determine the need to use various types of radios working
SDR mobile COMP@N radio
Mobile adapter is a device which enables the use of COMP@N handheld radio in vehicles (e.g. light tanks, transporter vehicles). This set provides a secure attachment and a possibility for
PERAD 6010 Tactical MANET Radio
The software designed by WB GROUP supports a wide range of interoperability standards, allowing commanders to share situational information with coalition partners. Each radio serves as a network node or
Personal radio 3501
It provides the following types of communication: clear voice communication, scrambled voice communication, digitized voice transmission and data transmission selective call, GPS. 50 W amplifier, vehicle set and a wide
R35010 Personal Radio
The R35010 is intended for communication between team members or combat teams in small radio networks. It operates in the frequency band from 2405 MHz to 2480 MHz, and users
RRC 9210 Tactical VHF ECCM 10W Manpack Radio
The next-generation RRC 9210 F@stnet is a high frequency hopping (FFH), fast data transmission and high level of Electronic Protective Measures (ECCM). The radio is equipped with an IP module
It enables all 3501 radio functions to be used what increases the operational range of the team or platoon. You can easily create a mobile or stationary set. It is
RRC9210 F@STNET trainer set
The TS 2RC9210F supports the traditional training process for battle field radio operators. Basic TS 2RC9210F set consist of the network of four users: teacher’s stand and three student’s stands.
The Sentry-H supports high speed data and state of the art digital voice capabilities in combination with AES 256 Encryption, if required. Frequency Hopping is also available to provide a