RRC9210 F@STNET trainer set
TS 2RC9210F is a simulator of tactical radio network with the possibility of introducing deliberate distortions supported by the e-Learning methodology, currently the most widespread method of providing didactic content using computer techniques.

The TS 2RC9210F supports the traditional training process for battle field radio operators.
Basic TS 2RC9210F set consist of the network of four users: teacher’s stand and three student’s stands.
Teacher’s stand:
- RRC9210 radio*
- PC (display, keyboard, mouse)
- headset with microphone
- GPS signal amplifier with antenna
- USB converter
- 4-port matrix for radio connections simulation
- AC/DC adapter
- main frame
- transmission cables and network cabling
- 10/100 Mb multi-port switch
- software dedicated for teacher’s stand
- transport bag for radio set and display
Student’s stand:
- RRC9210 radio*
- PC (display, keyboard, mouse)
- headset with microphone
- AC/DC adapter
- frame
- transmission cables and network cabling
- software dedicated to student?s stand
- transport bag for radio set and display
- providing training in the classroom using interaction with the actual radio set;
- continuous supervision by the teacher over the student activities and possibility to communicate independently with each of them (supervision of the students by the teacher in the battlefield is not possible because of the distance between the radios);
- providing multi-level courses for radio operators ? from basic to advanced;
- repeatability of practical exercises;
- automatic allocation of tasks for students allowing for comprehensive knowledge of radio modes(ranging from CNR to the IP protocol modes such as MUX, IP/PAS) and radio network operational rules based on F@stnet system.
- management of the system via LAN network using teacher’s computer;
- preparation of the radio data to operate in the radio network, remote programming and radio on/off;
- simulating the radio network from 3 up to 8 radios;
- receiving GPS signals from the repeater in the classroom.